An Easy, Yet Effective Cure For Upper Back Pain Fibromyalgia

In the U.S. it was about 1960 before there were interferential physical therapists using the new modality. Interferential therapy basically involved putting 4 electrodes on the outer edges of where a patient was feeling pain. The other channel went off and on 4,001 to 4,150 PPS. The interferential therapy treatment was the crossing of the currents inside the patient which stopped the pain and also provided carryover pain relief following the treatment that lasted for some time period.
In physical therapy journals, there were interferential articles describing how the treatment worked and why interferential was most beneficial for chronic pain patients who were unable to find pain relief. Often the chronic pain patient was referred to a Physical Therapist ( Physiotherapist ) by a physician for an "Evaluate and Treat" referral.
 The physicians were unaware of what the physical therapists were doing but they found that in many situations the physical therapist was able to provide pain relief when other methods had failed. The physical therapist often used a combination of hot cold interferential which was nothing more than applying warm moist heat in conjunction with interferential for immediate relief and to extend the carryover pain relief period.
If the patient presented with an acute injury, less than 48 hours, then the physical therapist used cold interferential therapy employing ice to lessen the inflammation of recently injured tissues. The reason for the warm moist heat, in conjunction with interferential treatments, was the heat attracted to blood, a conductor of electricity and enhanced the ability of the interferential current to penetrate into the body tissues and target the sensory nerves.
